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Showing posts from April, 2021

The water, a crisis is coming

In the following months there could be scheduled supply cuts for the Monterrey metropolitan area, due to the low level of the Cerro Prieto dam and an adverse forecast in terms of rain in the short term. Even Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey (AyDM, the state company for the water administration) raised the tone of its awareness campaigns on the care of the resource; but, in the words of Gerardo Garza, general director of the organization, the efforts have been unsuccessful. "The situation is very critical, 15 percent of the water that reaches the city comes from the Cerro Prieto source, and it will stop pumping in 50 - 55 days," he explained. And he added that with the connection works with other water sources, and whose value is 30 million pesos, the life of the dam could be extended another 60 days. However, he explained that if it were not for these extraordinary tasks, as well as a change in the operational policy of water distribution, which implies taking less liquid from thi

Second Chapter: The Vandalism

The saturday 9th of april, in San Pedro, Nuevo León, MX early in the morning, in the streets of the city some walls appeared vandalized with texts about of a supposed criminal gang. But, from the beginning the situation looked strange, because that is not the habitual form a criminal gang works. Those texts said: CDN, C. D. N and Aquí andamos (We are here). The abbreviations CDN is a referencia of the Cártel del Noreste, a criminal gang that works in the mexican northeast. But, today, El Norte newspaper published an article about the case: The official report concludes that the vandalized houses and cars it was not a criminal gang action; and informed the investigation continues. As will be remembered, is an electoral year in Nuevo León, and San Pedro is one of the most important cities in the country.

Cabeza de Vaca

Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca is a mexican governor of the Tamaulipas state, he is better known as Cabeza de Vaca; his last surname. He faces a judicial process, because the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR), which is the major attorney organism in Mexico, denounced him for money laundering, operations with resources of illicit origin and organized crime. But, the trial has been like a wheel of fortune; it means, while the FGR is looking for the outrage of his charge as Tamaulipas’s governor; Cabeza de Vaca has played his game . In the first movement, the FGR wants the outrage, because if it doesn’t happen, the trial is going to end in the Tamaulipas’s court; and it means the dead of the trial and a triumph for Cabeza de Vaca. So, that’s the reason why the FGR is looking for to bring the case to the federal courts, where have a wide room for maneuver.